Tuesday, August 4, 2015



by Dr Lai Chiu-Nan

It's been proven to work for many people. Gallstones may not be everyone's concern, but they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness," said Dr.Chiu-Nan.

"Usually, there are other diseases that preceded it. In a study in China, I find reading that people with cancer usually have stones. In the gallbladder almost all of us contains gallstones but the number and vary in size. They differ only in size and the amount of it. Symptoms of gallstones is a feeling in the stomach (flatulence) after eating. It feels less completely digest food. In severe conditions, you feel pain in the kidneys. "

If you suspect your gallstones, try the manner recommended by Dr. Chiu Nan to remove them naturally. This treatment can also be used when there is a disturbance complaint liver, because the liver and gall bladder are related to each other. Procedures for treatment are as follows:

1. During five consecutive days take four (4) glasses of apple juice every day, or eat four or five apples, (any type of apple can) depending on your taste. Nutritious apples soften gall stones. During this time you may eat as usual.

2. On day six do not eat dinner. but previously at 6 PM, take a teaspoon of "Epsom salt" (magnesium sulfate, salt UK) with a glass of warm water. 8 hours a night doing the same thing. Magnesium sulfate efficacious open vessels gall bladder. 10pm mix half a cup of olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup of fresh orange juice. Stir sufficiently before drinking. The oil lubricates batu2 to expedite the release of gallstones.

The next morning, you will find a greenish stones in your stools that come out of your gallbladder "These stones are usually float," Dr. Chiu-Nan. "Try to count them. There are numbers 40, 50 and 100 stones. A lot. Without any symptoms you may have hundreds of stones that successfully issued through this method, although probably not all of them out.

Very well, if we occasionally gallbladder cleanse us. Opt for natural methods without any side effects.

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