Sunday, August 2, 2015



Currently, many people who suffer from dangerous diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, and eating too much instant foods are processed in the factory, of course it is very unhealthy and hazardous to our health and our bodies in the long term , We feel that the Instant foods such as instant noodles, drinks and food cans is practical and easy for us to enjoy, but we do not know its long-term due to the food on our bodies.

After the pain, then we realize how important health and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but move us to treat after illness actually would not be appropriate, of course, the right is prevented before illness and prevention is better than cure. Here I will share some of the information the Asian plants are efficacious for the treatment of us, especially in the area of ​​Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Brunei, as in the three countries that these plants grow well.

However, excessive use of natural medicine was found to amount to side effects as well, giving excessive to exceed the specified level will certainly affect one organ. For it carefully before consuming is safe step to see the content of a natural remedy that has generally been tested. Natural medicine is actually very safe for the body even though the healing process sometimes takes a long time, but as a whole will improve the system of the body were damaged.

Following are some tips to minimize pain and in many cases can cure patients with pain that can not be treated with drugs such as for example Modern Chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer patients, but by eating certain fruits and vegetables without kemoterpi can be used even thousands of times better than chemotherapy.

Medicinal plants are divided into two kinds. The first, naturally dried, or so-called bulbs. Secondly, the plants were still fresh, or directly plucked from the tree, so that the water content it contains much. Can use as a drug in the (drunk / oral) or external drug / topical (applied, rubbed, or for medicinal massage). In principle, natural remedies can have the same potential side effects with synthetic drugs.

Natural treatment that has been in the process of the chemical, which uses plant parts (roots, leaves, stems, etc.), contain active substances that could be potentially detrimental to the body. Our body can not distinguish whether the active substances derived from medicinal plant or from natural plant extracts that if differentiated, the properties will be different. Some plants naturally dried and packed in plastic wrap or other material can cause serious problems in people with certain conditions, such as those who underwent surgery, children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Some natural plants in containers also turns effect on certain organs at all.

Time collection / harvest natural medicine

Time and manner of harvesting and handling of the material after harvest is a critical period that will determine the quality and quantity of crops. Therefore the time, how to harvest and crop handling precise and correct is an important determinant of quality and quantity. Each type of plant has time and harvest different ways. Plants that produce fruits have the time and the different ways to harvest crops harvested in the form of seeds, rhizomes, leaves, bark and stems. Once the plant is also experiencing environmental stress in terms of the plants that grow in urban quality will vary with the plants growing in the countryside or mountains and will have different harvest time although the same types of plants.

• Leaves are picked while flowering plants s / d unripe fruit.
• Flowers collected before or after blooming.
• The fruits are picked in a state of cooking.
• Seeds were collected from perfectly ripe fruit.
• Roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs while plants do not grow again.

Washing and drying

Drug ingredients that have been collected immediately washed, preferably with running water. Once clean, its usefulness can be utilized when necessary use of fresh ingredients. However, if the form of herbs and spices can also be dried to be stored and used when needed at any time. Drying in this case is limited only terrbatas on herbs or spices and not in the form of fruits and vegetables it aims to reduce the water content and mengcegah spoilage by fungi or bacteria. Thus, ingredients and spices can be kept much longer in a jar or sealed container. Dry ingredients also easily crushed if you want to create a powder.

Here's how to dry ingredients:

• Material is large and contains a lot of water can be cut into pieces as needed in advance.
• Drying can be directly in the sun, or wear protective as if the fine wire that does not require drying too quickly.
• Drying can also be done by air the material in the shade or in a drying chamber that good air flow.

The nature and flavor of plants

The use of these medicinal plants should pay attention to the nature and flavor of the plant. The nature and flavor of these plants affect the efficacy and side effects of treatment produced. and of course also affect the healing period.

Pharmacology in Traditional Chinese are known 4 kinds of properties and five kinds of taste medicinal plants, which are part of traditional medicine way east. As for the four kinds of properties of medicinal plants that are cold, hot, warm, and cool. Medicinal plants that are hot and warm is used for the treatment of cold syndrome, such as patients who are afraid of the cold, cold hands and feet, pale tongue or slow pulse. Herbs that are cold and cool used for the treatment of hot syndrome, such as fever, thirst, urination dark yellow color, red tongue or rapid pulse.

Five kinds of flavors of herbs is spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Taste is used for a specific purpose because besides associated with an organ, also has its own efficacy and usefulness. For example, spicy flavor has spread and stimulating properties. Sweet taste nutritious tonic and remedy. Sour taste nutritious preserve and pengelat. Can eliminate the bitter taste hot and humid. While saltiness also can soften and as a laxative. Sometimes there is also the added flavor of the sixth, which is neutral or bargaining efficacious as a laxative urine.

Boiling medicinal plants

This boiling process aims to extract or draw active substances of the medicinal plants with water media. Therefore, water is known as a good solvent. The duration boil natural plant depends on the texture of each medicinal plants. If the fiber is smooth, like jasmine, Indian pennywort leaves, and leaves cat whiskers, simply boiled about 15 minutes. For plants made from hard, such as cinnamon, clove, or brotowali, boiling will take longer.

Boiling is generally carried out in an earthen pots, ceramic pots, or email panic ,. Ceramic pots can be purchased in traditional Chinese medicine store. Panic of iron, aluminum or brass should not be used for boiling. It is to be reminded because these materials can lead to sludge, low drug concentration, the formation of toxic or side effects due to chemical reactions with the ingredients.

Use clean water to boil. Fresh water should be used, unless otherwise specified. How to boil the ingredients as follows. Materials incorporated into the potting soil. Add water until the material completely submerged and the water level about 30 mm above it. Boiling begins when the water has seeped into the medicinal herb ingredients.

Perform boiling with appropriate fire-making instructions. If the flame is not specified, is usually performed by boiling over high heat until the water boils. Furthermore, the fire diminished cooking water to prevent overflow or too fast drying. However, sometimes a fire and a small fire is used alone when boiling the ingredients. For example, the drug is efficacious tonic generally boiled at low heat so that the effective ingredients can be fully expended in the cooking water. Similarly, medicinal plants containing toxins need to be boiled with a small fire in a longer period of time, about 3-5 hours to reduce the toxicity. The flames were mostly used for potions which are intended to be rapid boiling and evaporation excess of a substance which is active component of the plant can be prevented.

Time to take medication

If there are no user guide, usually drugs taken before meals unless the drug stimulates the stomach then taken after meals. Efficacious drugs taken on an empty stomach tonic and sedative efficacious drugs taken during wants to sleep. On chronic diseases taken according to schedule on a regular basis. Medicine decoction can be taken as often as needed or drunk as a tea substitute.

How to take medication

The drug is usually taken one dose a day is divided to 2-3 times the drink. Generally drunk while warm, especially for the treatment of syndrome outside. After taking the medication, wear thick clothes or bed covered so that the body remains warm and easy to sweat. especially at night before bed instead.
For the treatment of hot syndrome, a drug taken in a cold state. In contrast to the treatment of cold syndrome drug is taken in the warm. Slightly toxic drugs, drink little by little but often. Increase dosage gradually so that the treatment effect is achieved.

Duration of treatment

Medicinal plants are still in the form of crude drug, treatment results seem slow, but its constructive or building. This is in contrast to chemical drugs treatment outcomes seen rapid but destructive. Therefore, a drug derived from the plant should not be used for acute infectious diseases. Medicinal plants are preferred to maintain the health and treatment of chronic diseases can not be cured with chemical drugs, or require a combination of chemical drugs with drugs from herbs.

There's no harm in utilizing natural plants in everyday life. Ranging from improving sexuality, lowering cholesterol levels to slimming, natural arguably biangnya! According to the medical journal, natural Indonesia including the second best in the world after Brazil. No wonder if this time, foreign scientists began to investigate and record the natural properties in Indonesia.

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