Tuesday, August 11, 2015


This herb can treat sick kidney failure, gout and even a range of other diseases. a wide range of disease complications sometimes arise when more than 40 years of age, but many young people have a habit of unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and alcohol drinkers, plus if the patient is experiencing the pain of diabetes, then it will be more severe. If one of your kidneys are damaged, the human kidney function can still be filled with just one kidney. This fact proves that humans are born with the capacity of the kidney function is much more necessary for survival. The early decline in kidney function without symptoms often makes people without realizing it. Changes of renal function can generally only be detected surely from the urine and blood tests on a regular basis. someone with kidney disease who have been diagnosed will undergo regular inspections to monitor kidney function. This examination is done by blood tests and treatments aimed at preventing disease is increasingly growing.

single clove garlic / garlic male

Chronic kidney disease is a condition when renal function begins to decline gradually. This condition is permanent. chronic kidney disease status changed to renal failure when kidney function has decreased until it reaches the stage or late stage. Chronic kidney disease is a disease that generally can only be detected through urine and blood tests. Symptoms of a general nature makes people with this disease are usually not aware of the symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Advanced stages of chronic kidney disease commonly experienced symptoms: shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, swollen ankles, feet, or hands due to a buildup of fluid in the circulation of the body, shortness of breath, as well as the appearance of blood in the urine. Blood and urine tests on a regular basis every year is strongly recommended for people at high risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Your including high risk, among others, if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and a family history of chronic kidney disease sufferers.

This is a pure concoction of herbs and spices in the mix and the consumption of people, then the effect will be amazing indeed there are even some cases of kidney failure and doctors gave up / not able to handle, but with this potion will taste properties after a few days taking in particular for patients with kidney failure and other complications.

Potion is:

- 11 single clove garlic / garlic male
- 2 cloves onion
- 3 pieces Lime (not lemon)

The above three ingredients into a blender, to orange nipisnya in blender all including the skin and seeds as well. The ingredients above daily consumption of 3 times a tablespoon 15 minutes before eating. and ingredients above is also suitable for people who are addicted to drugs, if the addict is peeing blood then there is likely to recover more quickly.
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Thursday, August 6, 2015


Destruction of Cancer Cells

Lemon fruit sometimes we do not like because it tastes sour, but did you know that lemon it contains thousands of benefits to our health even though it tastes sour

1. Lemon heat to kill cancer cells. Lemon juice by drinking hot water then the cells are cancer cells in our body will be reduced, because the hot substance in the water plus the juice of lemon water will make it acidic zam amazing effects on the body that contain cancer cells

2. if 2-3 slices of lemon dipped in 1 cup hot water, should be alkaline water.

3. Beneficial for the body, drink each day is very beneficial to anyone because it will increase our stamina or add ION in our body

4. hot lemon water will produce a kind of anti-cancer substances that tastes bitter, it becomes a powerful cancer drugs in modern medicine. it is already widely proven

5. The cold lemon water only contains vitamin C. if we only drink cold lemon water only, then only contains vitamin C alone and no efficacy for treatment

6. Lemon Like the tomato fruit, must be cooked first and Lycopene which may appear useful.

7. The hot lemon water proved to be pressed swelling and tumors and may overcome all types of tumors. until he could prevent it from spreading tumor cells

8. Lemon Extract may weaken malignant cancer cells but not damage normal cells. and it is certainly good for us for consumption

9. Citric Acid and C Polyphenols that contained in the lemon juice should adjust blood pressure and prevents clogging of blood vessels, adjusting blood circulation, reduce darah.dan can avoid clotting of blood clots or early symptoms of people suffering from mild stroke

above recipe even better if mixed with honey from the wild so that benefits grow, hopefully with the number of our knowledge of natural medicine around us will add to our knowledge about the great benefits to our body
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Cherry or cherry has the scientific name Muntingia calabura L., beech, sweet fruits are small and bright red. In some areas, such as in Jakarta, this fruit is also called cherries (but not the actual cherries). In English Madura, this fruit is called baleci. Other names in some countries is Datiles, aratiles, manzanitas (Philippines); Mat Sam (Vietnam); Khoom sômz, takhôb (Laos); takhop farang (Thailand); krâkhôb goods (Cambodia); and kerukup siam (Malaysia).

Capulin cherry also known as blanco, cacaniqua, nigua, niguito (Spanish); Jamaican cherry, berry Panama, and Singapore cherry (UK). The Dutch used to call Japanse kers ("japanese cherry"), eventually the longer name or Java in Indonesia in general to be cherry or some call cherry.

Cherry fruit nutrient content is not inferior to other fruits like mango. The content of vitamin C mangoes 30 mg, 80.5 mg while the cherry fruit, cherry fruit calcium 124.6 mg, far more than mangoes which is only 15 mg.

This is the story of a man who suffered from diabetes and cured only with this magic plant

"My mother has long suffered from diabetes or excess sugar so that when the body's blood Dlm wound it will be HARD FOR RECOVERED. Because my mother was also a stroke and almost the entire body is driven so hard all day just sleeping / lying alone, because the pain he suffered over the years. Begins with diabetes that all other diseases came. Already one year ago her hip hurt (probably mostly supine) cuts a hole dipinggul it so bleed and eventually fester and rot.

The wound began to widen and making holes here and there until it looked very severe injuries and cause a foul odor (no sy show his picture krn disgusting) Returning dr sy Malaysia seeks consultation with a doctor about the injury, and the doctor said if part of the body starts to decay should sdh The cut or amputated so as not to widen nowhere sy sdh try a variety of ways but the wound did not heal Then there is a friend who advised to drink a decoction of leaves of cherry / cherry / series, and sy decided to try. Early drinking it leaves her fever and sores ooze pus sy much to have to change the bandage several times, after two days of drinking ..luka ooze pus was ill again and start out red blood cells and the next day as there was flesh to grow over the wound.

The wound began to improve and do not bleed or pus again, within a month the wound began to dry. And a small wound began to close, a large wound began to shrink. Until now, I still drink it leaves but not me but my boiled dry and I like to make brewed green tea. One glass taken twice a day.

How To Use:

3 handheld diabetes untukl boiled leaves cherry and 6 cups water 3 cups made drink while warm 3 times a day. The fruit can be eaten to cure cholesterol. Thus her experience dabetes treat severe pain which should by doctors in pieces but by consuming the leaves of this plant or she can be cured and lost his dabetes total.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Plants that grow around our homes or fields and orchards we sometimes without us knowing that there are many benefits to it for the health of our bodies, if we use as a treatment in a certain way, not even most modern medicines are made from plants and herbs? considering the side effects found in modern medicine, it is a safe alternative to using natural materials.

one of which is the bitter leaf for high blood pressure medication, leaf has long been known as a drug or herbal medicine to treat various ailments and rather heavy

This herb tastes bitter, cold, enter the lung meridian, stomach, colon and small intestine. In terms of pharmacology, bitter muscarinic effects on blood vessels, effects on the heart, ischemic, effects on cell respiration, kholeretik properties, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial.

Bitter herbs should be harvested or in quotes when it starts flowering plants. how mixes after being washed, cut into pieces as needed and dry. Bitter dried herbs can be stored longer for the long-term usefulness.

While parts of the plant are used to treat high blood pressure or stroke is bitter leaf freshly plucked by 5 s / d 7 leaves are brewed with 1/2 cup of hot water. Add honey to taste, then stir well and let dingin.Minumlah as well as cold. Do it three times a day.

Potions can be coupled with a squeeze of lemon juice if desired.
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by Dr Lai Chiu-Nan

It's been proven to work for many people. Gallstones may not be everyone's concern, but they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness," said Dr.Chiu-Nan.

"Usually, there are other diseases that preceded it. In a study in China, I find reading that people with cancer usually have stones. In the gallbladder almost all of us contains gallstones but the number and vary in size. They differ only in size and the amount of it. Symptoms of gallstones is a feeling in the stomach (flatulence) after eating. It feels less completely digest food. In severe conditions, you feel pain in the kidneys. "

If you suspect your gallstones, try the manner recommended by Dr. Chiu Nan to remove them naturally. This treatment can also be used when there is a disturbance complaint liver, because the liver and gall bladder are related to each other. Procedures for treatment are as follows:

1. During five consecutive days take four (4) glasses of apple juice every day, or eat four or five apples, (any type of apple can) depending on your taste. Nutritious apples soften gall stones. During this time you may eat as usual.

2. On day six do not eat dinner. but previously at 6 PM, take a teaspoon of "Epsom salt" (magnesium sulfate, salt UK) with a glass of warm water. 8 hours a night doing the same thing. Magnesium sulfate efficacious open vessels gall bladder. 10pm mix half a cup of olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup of fresh orange juice. Stir sufficiently before drinking. The oil lubricates batu2 to expedite the release of gallstones.

The next morning, you will find a greenish stones in your stools that come out of your gallbladder "These stones are usually float," Dr. Chiu-Nan. "Try to count them. There are numbers 40, 50 and 100 stones. A lot. Without any symptoms you may have hundreds of stones that successfully issued through this method, although probably not all of them out.

Very well, if we occasionally gallbladder cleanse us. Opt for natural methods without any side effects.
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Monday, August 3, 2015


This plant in English is called as Dogfruit or Ngapi Nut. Meanwhile, if in Latin (scientific name) is named after the plant that has synonyms pauciflorum Archidendron Archidendron jiringa, Pithecellobium jiringa, and Pithecellobium lobatum. Dogfruit turns miracle fruit to kill cancer cells and 10.000X stronger than chemotherapy. We can Jengkol fruit consumption by way eating directly as fresh vegetables, in juices, beverages ready, sorbets, cakes, chips jengkol etc.

This results in many benefits, but the most interesting is the resulting effect on cysts and tumors. This fruit is scientifically proven drugs against ALL TYPES OF CANCER.

Jengkol considered also as an anti-microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi evident from the smell that stung. Effective against internal parasites and worms, interchangeable regulate blood pressure is too high and is useful as an anti-depressant, combat stress and nervous.

A source of interesting information comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world who say that after more than 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970, revealed that:
Jengkol can DESTROY SEL 12 regions of malignant cancers including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas, it is extraordinary.

This fruit compounds showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a chemotherapy drug, normally used in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And even more astonishing reply: type of therapy with Jengkol extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells others.
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Gallstones have 3 stages or degrees of seriousness by its symptoms:

1. In the early stages, patients who have gallstones have no symptoms, and if there are symptoms felt very light and in this stage many people are not aware if he was sick bile. At this stage, the doctor will usually advise patients to run a healthy diet.

2. In the advanced stage, gallstones are in the gallbladder will have a blockage in the bile duct so that the patient will experience a more severe abdominal pain. At this stage, doctors will advise patients to drink painkillers or surgery.

3. At the stage of complication, gallstone blocked will cause more severe illness such as infection in the gall bladder (acute cholecystitis), infection in the pancreas (pancreatitis), an infection in the abdominal cavity (peritonitis), and others. At this stage the doctor will immediately advise the patient to undergo surgery.

Young coconut indeed many benefits and uses one of them is to treat the pain of gallstones, if there is mengalamainya not to be in operation because the young coconut drink Pandan within 3 days will be fully recovered and has been proven to be effective.

green pandan coconut is coconut or palm-sized drug, and the trademark is inside the coconut shell pink or pink or commonly identified with the characteristics of the fiber inside purplish red if the tip of the skin on the palm fruit slightly peeled. Coconuts like this is somewhat rare, but apparently not too hard to come by because many young coconut seller who can provide course with a higher price than regular oil. 

To process it is not too difficult, namely coconut pandan burned on the stove over medium heat, then how to peel the base slightly peeled and hollowed out, and then slightly reduced so as not to spill water when burned on the stove to boil water. After boiling with coconut water seen many air bubbles and steam coming out of coconut water that then turn off the heat and allow some time to cool down and if it is cold immediately drank until discharged by using suction or can be poured in a glass. In this way drink 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening before going to bed then only within 3 days will feel the change even when the doctor already requires patients
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Soursop fruit or the Latin language: Annona muricata known by various names that sebrang jackfruit, jackfruit lye (Java), jackfruit Walanda (Sunda), jackfruit buris (Madura), sugar apple Java (Bali), deureuyan dutch (Aceh), Durio ulondro ( Nias), durian betawi (Minangkabau), as well as guava lye (in Lampung).

The mention of "Dutch" and variations indicate that the soursop (from Dutch: Zuurzak, meaning "sour sac") indicates that this fruit into Indonesia during the Dutch East Indies colonial government menginfasi archipelago in the 19th century in which the recorded history of the Dutch colonization Indonesia when it was.

And all this time the people swept up, the cancer can only be treated with chemotherapy, whereas, fruit and leaves Soursop (Graviola) based on the results of numerous studies by scientists, can kill cancer cells whose power ten thousand times more powerful than the chemo therapy this is news encouraging and outstanding.

Secretly largest drug manufacturer in America doing research soursop fruit which in Brazil is called "Graviola", in English "Soursop" and in Spain "Guana Bana" is. However, the cost of research make this great discovery deliberately concealed, while trying to do cloning on this fruit so that inventions could be patented.

Efficacy of the fruit and leaves of the soursop gives effect anti-tumor / cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer either mild or severe stage. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal (fungi), effective against various types of parasites, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good. Is the Health Science Institute in America who unmasked this dark and now this recipe has many in the know and indeed proved successful.

"Soursop, magic tree that grows in the Amazon forest will change the way you think, your doctor, even World, about the healing process of cancer and the hope of a cure remarkable," wrote the Health Science Institute.

Based on research, the fruit and leaves of the soursop can be useful for:

(1) Attacking cancer cells with naturally safe and effective, without nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as happened in chemo therapy,

(2) Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections,

(3) Patients feel stronger, more healthy during the treatment / healing, and

(4) increased energy and improved physical appearance.

The source of this shocking news comes from the largest pharmaceutical factory in America. Graviola fruit tested in more than 20 laboratories, since 1970 until a few years later.

Test results of the extract (essence) of this fruit is effectively target and kill the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, including cancers: colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas.

"Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with Adriamicin and Chemo therapy commonly in use," wrote the research report.


Unlike chemo therapy, this juice selectively hunt down and kill the bad cells and not kill healthy cells. Research has been carried out in ekstensive on trees "magic" of this for years, but why we do not know anything about this, but the fruit is now thrives in our yard as the asia?

Apparently some parts of this tree are: bark, roots, leaves, fruit flesh and seeds, for centuries has been a cure for the Indians in South America to treat: heart disease, asthma, liver problems (liver) and rheumatism.


Here are the benefits of the fruit and leaves of the soursop for treatment and health.
Soursop Leaf benefits:

1. Capable of Treating Cancer Soursop Leaf

According to research conducted by experts from Purdue University in the United States, stating that this soursop leaf contains very good for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer.

As for some types of cancer that is claimed to be treated is breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer.

Ways that take 10 old soursop leaves, then boil with 3 cups of water. Leave until the remaining 1 cup of water, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks

2. Also Soursop Leaf Can Treat Gout

Soursop leaves can also be used as a cure gout. Many alternative medicine that uses soursop leaves for the treatment of gout. It is very easy ie with soursop leaf is quite old but still green, roughly 6 to 10 sheet then wash clean.

Furthermore, soursop leaf is cut with the aim of ensuring the content in the leaves right out. The leaves are boiled with 2 cups water, simmer until the remaining 1 cup water. Drink the concoction twice a day ie morning and at night before bed.

3. Benefits of Soursop Leaf to treat lumbago.

If you have problems with your waist, try to make this soursop leaf herb. Take 20 soursop leaves and boil with 5 cups of water. Allow to boil and the remaining 3 cups. Drink this concoction ¾ cup 1 time a day and multiply also drinking water.

4. Helping the immune system and avoid infections.

The content contained in soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and prevent infection in the body. How, to prepare 4/5 soursop leaves, boiled in 4 cups of water simmer until the remaining 1 cup. Drink 1 a day.

5. Benefits of Soursop Leaf to treat Eczema and Rheumatism.

Mash until smooth soursop leaves and apply on body parts that feel numb or pain due to arthritis or eczema regularly one day twice.

6. Benefits of Soursop leaves to treat ulcers.

Pluck the strings skillfully young soursop leaf and stick it on the body exposed to a boil.

That's some of the benefits of soursop leaves you can make a referral traditional medicine. But still there are some other benefits if you consume soursop leaf herb on a regular basis following benefits
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Vegetable bamboo shoots into the food that we often encounter in the cuisine of Indonesia and other countries adjacent to it. Besides created vegetables, bamboo shoots are also often made chips. Well, here are eight properties of bamboo shoots for the health of the body.

1. Low sugar

The amount of sugar found in vegetables is about 2.5 grams per 100 grams. The lower amount of sugar found in fruits and vegetables.

2. Source of Protein

content of 100 grams of bamboo shoots have about 2 to 2.5 grams of protein. Protein is found in bamboo shoots consist of seventeen essential amino acids and two semi-essential amino acids.

3. Rich in vitamins and minerals

This fact turns vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Shoots contain vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid and pantothenic acid. And minerals found in bamboo shoots, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and iron.

4. High fiber

Young bamboo or bamboo shoots are also rich in fiber. The amount of dietary fiber contained in bamboo shoots about 6-8 grams per 100 grams.

5. Increased appetite

Shoots high cellulose that can stimulate the appetite. Taste and texture of bamboo shoots can also make appetizers and even in some regions in Indonesia, an ordinary vegetable material made as sweets or snacks like chips.

6. Cholesterol Control

Research conducted by Washington State University shows that shoots have the beneficial effect of cholesterol, lipids and function of the human gut.

7. Strengthen the immune system

Vitamins and minerals are found in bamboo shoots can help boost the immune system. the body's natural resistance, and resistant to extreme weather changes.

8. Lower blood pressure

Tunas also turned out to contain a lot of potassium. Potassium can act as an electrolyte, and is also very good for lowering blood pressure and maintain.

Here are eight properties of bamboo shoots for the health of the body. Although bamboo shoots are often shunned because rich aroma, these foods have many benefits for your body. So, what are you waiting? Let's try to cook vegetable bamboo shoots bamboo shoots or browse Spring rolls at home.

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Sky fruit or fruit that is often called the fruit shows a sky (Indonesia) is a fruit that is beneficial to our health because they contain a lot of protein, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and other essential nutrients for the body.

The fruit is also known as mahogany seeds. For dining, mahogany seeds or fruit shows a sky must first be broken with a hammer and other hard objects and then ground into a fine powder. Here are the properties of the fruit shows a sky for health.

1. Skin Allergy

If we often experience skin allergies, fruit shows the sky could be the solution. You can mix this fruit powder with water and drink it as regular medication or mixed with honey or drinking as usual, in the drink twice a day morning and afternoon

2. A heart problem

One of the best ways to get rid of heart problems is to consume a glass of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of powdered fruit every day. This is a natural fruit drink will reduce your risk of heart attack and also help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

3. Overcome menstrual cramps

Women usually experience painful menstruation. To fix this, you can eat the fruit to reduce pain during menstruation is mixed with warm water.

4. Constipation

If you suffer from constipation, fruit shows the sky could be the solution. The fruit powder can be taken along with a tablespoon of warm water to relieve constipation.

5. Liver Disease

If you have signs of liver disease, eating this fruit powder with milk every day can help reduce infection in the liver.

6. Bad breath

To eliminate bad breath, these fruits can be useful for you. These fruits can reduce bad breath odor could be a way in drink or used to rinse

7. Diabetes

If you are diabetic, then the fruit is very beneficial for you. You can eat this fruit once a week to reduce the levels of glucose in the blood. and can check sugar levels after taking this herb on the next day.

8. Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or even weak in sex could be due to the stress and pressure of work. One of the best and natural way to help overcome impotence is to eat this fruit regularly.
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This magic plant can treat strokes in just 2 days

Ciplukan fruit or known in Sundanese with cecendet name, and in the language of Madura nyurnyuran kopok bali-kopokan. In English known as Cutleaf groundcherry, wild tomatoes, and cherry winter. While in scientific language (Latin) referred to as synonymous with Physalis angulata Physalis minima and Physalis peruviana.

Chemical contained in ciplukan namely lorogenat acid, fruit peel contains C27H44O-H2O and seeds contain elaidic acid. The leaves and stems contain physalin. Ceplukan flower (Physalis angulata)

Ceplukan tree ascribed to the American tropics and spread to various locations in the United States, the Pacific, Australia, and Asia especially for Indonesian. In Indonesia, ciplukan grows naturally in the bushes near the settlement up to the edge of the forest, medicinal plants that can live up so abundant at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level.

This is the miracle fruit for treating stroke in just a short time only 2 days in a patient's condition is still new and has not been severe.

How mixes are ciplukan tree (includes all parts, roots, stems, leaves and fruit) boiled in 4 cups of water so that the water levels recede, roughly into 3 cups (1 cup for the morning, drink 1 cup at noon, and 1 cup The drink before bedtime).

Drink 3 times a day. Within 2-3 days of starting to look efeknyta. Continue until completely recovered. Stroke is a condition where the blood supply of the brain gets disrupted. In brain tissue, lack of blood flow will spur the biochemical reactions that cause damage or death of brain nerve cells. In addition to treating stroke, ciplukan also treat hyperthyroidism (goiter)
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In just one day, blood sugar levels will be drastically down and normal

Diabetes is a disease that is frightening even as the number three cause of death world. Number of people with diabetes from day to day is increasing due to modern lifestyle is wrong, such as lack of exercise, eating too many carbohydrates and sugars, no fasting or diet etc.

If the food contains excess insulin, the pancreas will be under pressure and weakened. Until eventually the pancreas can not function properly. Thus, blood sugar levels will be creeping up and continued to increase until eventually emerged diabetes. and the disease will be more dangerous for those who are still there are descendants of diabetes as well.

The diabetes disease can attack other parts of the body as well as attacking the eye, it will cause blindness, sex attack will cause impotence, or other members of the body such as the hands and feet are affected by this disease and amputation could rot, especially if the immune system weakens then will make a major cause of ill cancer or other terrible diseases. The recently discovered a potent drug for treating diabetes only with beans and tomatoes in juice and drink two to four times a day. If the food contains excess insulin, the pancreas will be under pressure and weakened. Until eventually the pancreas can not function properly. Thus, blood sugar levels will be creeping up and continued to increase until finally emerging diabetes. and disease will be more dangerous for those who are still there are descendants of diabetes as well.

Diabetes can attack other parts of the body and attacks the eyes, will cause blindness, sexual assault will cause impotence, or other body parts such as the hands and feet are affected by this disease and amputations could rot, especially if the immune system is weakened then it will make a major cause ill cancer or other terrible diseases. Recently discovered a potent drug for treating diabetes only with string beans and tomatoes in juice and drink two to four times a day. way is to take 12 pieces of beans are not too old, then wash them clean, then cut all the long beans in juice and mixed with the red tomatoes, in a drink without sugar 2-3 times a day. after two days please check your sugar levels will drop guaranteed and gradually recovered despite severe doctors pronounced.

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Medicine Heart Disease, Diabetes and High Blood That Not Many Know people

Heart disease, diabetes, or diabetes, and high blood pressure is a kind of disease that is most common in the world. This is influenced by an unhealthy diet, and bad habits such as smoking, sodas, alcoholic beverages and fatty foods not exercising excessively consume sugar.

No disease can not be cured, and fortunately God provides a variety of alternative treatments such as the one that we share this. For those patients with heart disease, diabetes, and high blood please try the following recipe. This recipe we can from Ustaz Sharhan Syafie from Indonesia who managed to treat heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, the way is:

Prepare young coconut inside is still soft plus 3 lemongrass and add 7 pieces of Halba, and heat on the stove over low heat, after his boiling water and let cool after the warm or cold drink. Consumption of this herb to 2 days, so for example if you have seven young coconuts then it is sufficient for 14 days of consumption. Good luck, God willing, when it is executed in accordance with the instructions, the chances of recovery is 80% curable.

Description: Halba also called fenugreek / fenugreek is used to make a typical Indonesian cuisine such as curry, fenugreek can be obtained / purchased in the store spices


Gallstones have 3 stages or degrees of seriousness by its symptoms:

1. In the early stages, patients who have gallstones have no symptoms, and if there are symptoms felt very light and in this stage many people are not aware if he was sick bile. At this stage, the doctor will usually advise patients to run a healthy diet.

2. In the advanced stage, gallstones are in the gallbladder will have a blockage in the bile duct so that the patient will experience a more severe abdominal pain. At this stage, doctors will advise patients to drink painkillers or surgery.

3. At the stage of complication, gallstone blocked will cause more severe illness such as infection in the gall bladder (acute cholecystitis), infection in the pancreas (pancreatitis), an infection in the abdominal cavity (peritonitis), and others. At this stage the doctor will immediately advise the patient to undergo surgery.

Young coconut indeed many benefits and uses one of them is to treat the pain of gallstones, if there is mengalamainya not to be in operation because the young coconut drink Pandan within 3 days will be fully recovered and has been proven to be effective.

green pandan coconut is coconut or palm-sized drug, and the trademark is inside the coconut shell pink or pink or commonly identified with the characteristics of the fiber inside purplish red if the tip of the skin on the palm fruit slightly peeled. Coconuts like this is somewhat rare, but apparently not too hard to come by because many young coconut seller who can provide course with a higher price than regular oil. 

To process it is not too difficult, namely coconut pandan burned on the stove over medium heat, then how to peel the base slightly peeled and hollowed out, and then slightly reduced so as not to spill water when burned on the stove to boil water. After boiling with coconut water seen many air bubbles and steam coming out of coconut water that then turn off the heat and allow some time to cool down and if it is cold immediately drank until discharged by using suction or can be poured in a glass. In this way drink 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening before going to bed then only within 3 days will feel the change even when the doctor already requires patients

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